Preacher: Pastor Bob Phee
Message: Brevity of Life 生命的短暂 (James 雅各书 4:1-14)
Christ our Victory in dark …
Preacher: Bro Matthew Tang
Message: Christ our Victory in dark … (John 16:19-33; I John 5:4-5)
The Effects of Christmas 圣诞带给人类的反思
Preacher: Pastor Bob Phee 彭荣顺牧师
Message: The Effects of Christmas 圣诞带给人类的反思 (Matthew 马太福音 2:1-12)
The Christmas Promise
Preacher: Pastor Bob Phee
Message: The Christmas Promise (Isaiah 9:1-7)
Committed to Care
Preacher: Elder Peter Lee
Message: Committed to Care (1 Cor 16:1-18)
Living the Christian Story
Preacher: Pastor Bob Phee
Message: Living the Christian Story (Luke 1:26-38)
Jesus the True Vine. Those around Him will be Gathered and Burned.
Preacher: Dn Ken Horn
Message: Jesus the True Vine. Those around Him will be Gathered and Burned (John 15:1-11)
I Will Build My Church
Preacher: Rev Philip Heng
Message: I Will Build My Church (Matthew 16:13-19)
Unity in Diversity
Preacher: Elder Peter Lee
Message: Unity in Diversity (1 Cor 12:12-31)
God’s Word Stands Forever
Preacher: Pastor Bob Phee
Message: God’s Word Stands Forever (1 Peter 1:13-25)