The Herald Weekly Vol XV : 51

Would you miss the Christ at Christmas?

We often prepare ourselves for very special occasions, especially the birth of a new baby. But sometimes, even the birth of a baby comes unexpectedly. I remember the birth of our first grandchild eight Novembers ago. Priscilla was not even due yet; in fact there were 8 more weeks before the baby would arrive. However, the little boy was so determined to be born. Continue reading “The Herald Weekly Vol XV : 51”

The Herald Weekly Vol XV : 49

The Other BABY

It is that time of year when almost every household goes for the end-of-the year holiday, as well as prepare for the Christmas celebration. It is the time of the year when we remember the birth of Jesus Christ. But, have you ever wondered that before Christ’s birth, there was the birth of another baby. That was the birth of His cousin, John (the Baptist, as he was later known as). Continue reading “The Herald Weekly Vol XV : 49”

The Herald Weekly Vol XV : 44

The Priesthood of All Believers

Ministry to Match the Message of the Gospel by Chase R. Kuhn

When thinking of the sixteenth-century, most will think of the great theological truths that emerged. Rightly so! But we can easily overlook the circumstances that demanded reform: corrupt ministry. Corrections to the ministry were not just implications of the retrieval of good doctrine, but corrupt ministry was the driving force behind the Reformation. Continue reading “The Herald Weekly Vol XV : 44”