Go Ye Into All The World
Herald B-P Church was set up to herald the good news of Christ to all around us. We thank God for providing us with many opportunities to share Christ with our loved ones – parents, siblings, relatives, friends and colleagues. We started with distribution of gospel tracts in the Geylang East neighbourhoods. We also invited loved ones and friends to hear the gospel at our gospel meetings on months with a fifth Sunday, and also to the Evangelical Night dinner as well as our Good Friday, Easter and Christmas Services. We continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to convict the hearts of those who have heard the gospel of Christ.
We thank God for our Pastor who encourages both the young and older to take part in the gospel work, or be involved in encouraging God’s workers who labour faithfully in the mission fields. We thank God that as a Church we are able to respond to the Macedonian call to help in churches and gospel stations in and out of Singapore.