Psalm 34:11 says: “Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord.”

Herald B-P Church recognizes the important ministry of reaching out to our little ones. In December 2003, when we were worshipping in the Function Room of Neptune Court, Marine Parade Road, the Sunday School classes used whatever space we could find outside the Function Room. Later, when we moved into rented and purchased units in Guilin Building, we started the Junior Worship which was held concurrently with the Worship Service for adults.
Indeed, it is important for children to know God at an early age. As soon as they are able to sit and listen to God’s Word, the children are taught to “fear the Lord”, which means to have a reverential awe of God and to have a complete submission to His sovereignty. They also learn to recognize God as Creator and know that His plans stand firm forever (Ps 33:8-11). When the children come to God with reverence they learn to study His Word, and to obtain God’s wisdom which will enable them to shun evil and sin. (Job 28:2; Prov 9:10)
We thank God that the Children in Herald join the Junior Worship & Sunday School as young as two and a half years old. They learn about God’s love and power in the lives of Bible heroes from the Old and New Testaments. As they grow older, they also grow in their walk with God. Many become mature Christians and gradually get involved in the YF, youth mission trips and other areas of serving the Lord.