The Herald Weekly Vol XV : 35

Remembering one of God’s faithful servants

We bid farewell to a beloved teacher of God’s Word, a mentor and friend in Rev William Harding, who was called home to glory on 6 August 2017 (please refer to the obituary below).

I remember Rev Harding fondly because of his love for God’s Word, and desire to see God’s people grow in their walk with Him. Siew Lan and I got to know him and his wife, Betty, personally when he was the speaker at another church’s camp in 1999. The Hardings never failed to show their personal interest in, and appreciation of others. Whenever Rev and Mrs Harding were in Singapore, they ministered to at least two or three church camps. Herald was privileged to have him as our camp speaker in four of our Church Camps:

a) 2005 at A’ Famosa, Malacca, on the Characteristics Of Love
b) 2006 at The Acacia, Batam, on Putting Psalms Into Practice
c) 2009 at Pulai Desaru Resort, on Living Like Citizens Of Heaven
d) 2011 at Holiday Inn, Melaka, on Study To Show Thyself Approved Unto God

All those who attended the above Camps benefitted much from Rev Harding’s messages. No one could possibly fall asleep during the time for messages at Camp as his voice was loud and clear. His detailed exposition never failed to enlighten us in the deep things of God’s Word. I am sure we would still be much blessed when we go home and look into the notes which we wrote in our camp booklets.

We had the privilege of taking the Hardings out for dinner each time they were in Singapore. On such occasions, Rev & Mrs Harding never failed to show their concern for our ministry in Herald and in other parts of the world. He delighted to know about how God was working in the countries where Christians were under much surveillance of the authorities. He prayed for God’s work in Herald, and was much encouraged by Herald’s support of the gospel work in not a few countries.

Personally, Rev Harding, a contemporary of the late Rev Timothy Tow, encouraged me a lot in the gospel work. His faithfulness in the Lord’s work serves as a great example to those who are called to minister in the Lord’s vineyard. Age and health problems were never used as excuses to stop teaching or preaching. He shared about a dental problem which so affected the nerves in the mouth that sometimes it was so painful to preach God’s Word. Nevertheless, he testified of God’s grace and mercies which enabled him to persevere in his teaching and preaching despite the unbearable pain. We remember Mrs Harding’s kind words whenever we parted ways, and the beautiful notes which she would write to thank us and the church for inviting them to the church camps, and to have fellowship with them over meals. To show their appreciation, she would also pass us a good Christian book which they had read and enjoyed.

Late last year, we were much surprised to receive a letter from Rev Harding himself. He shared of how he had suffered a stroke, and how he was slowly able to move about. He also shared that Mrs Betty Harding’s memory was not too good. Then a few weeks ago, we were informed that Rev Harding was admitted into hospice care.

We are saddened to hear of his passing away on 6 Aug (this piece of news was confirmed only on 24 Aug), but we thank God for bringing this dear friend and brother back to his eternal home in heaven. We pray for God’s comfort for Betty and the family as they mourn the loss of a beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather.

Pastor Bob Phee

Below is an extract from the obituary on William “Bill” Nelson Harding (Nov 02, 1930 – August 06, 2017)

Rev William “Bill” Nelson Harding, 86, of Hatfield, Pennsylvania, went home to be with the Lord on Sunday August 6, 2017 at Souderton Mennonite Homes.

He was the loving husband of Margaret “Betty” E (Tanner) Harding for 59 years. Bill was born in Washington, DC to the late Wesley G Harding and the late Netty E (Todd) Harding. He graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in Washington, DC, class of 1948. Bill attended the Philadelphia School of the Bible, graduating in 1951. He then attended Kings College in New York, graduating in 1953. In 1956, Bill received his Masters of Divinity from Faith Seminary in Elkins Park, PA. Throughout his lifetime, Bill was an evangelist and Bible conference speaker all over the world including Kiev, India and 17 years in Singapore. He was employed as a Seminary Professor for Biblical Seminary in Hatfield.

Bill was a charter member of Independent Bible Church of Willow Grove. He was a former interim pastor and later became a member of Grace Bible Church in Souderton. Bill was a charter member of Biblical Seminary in Hatfield. He was also interim pastor for several churches throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania.

Bill had a passion and calling for teaching and preaching the Word of God. He was a devoted husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Bill was an avid Phillies and Eagles fan and enjoyed fishing.

He was known for his deep voice, big smile and joyful demeanor.

In addition to his wife, Bill is survived by two daughters and their husbands, eight grandchildren, a great-grandson, and a sister.

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.”
(Psalm 116:15)


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