Pastoral Letter 1 – March 2021

The Pandemic

The presence of the pandemic, the fear of its presence and the hope for its prevention is seen in the ubiquitous wearing of the masks for all people in our nation. As we enter the month of March, this phenomenon has been on-going for a year. By the common grace of God, our little red dot island has a small number of deaths compared to many other nations, and community spread is low. The government has called for tightening of restrictions especially for those entering our island and those travelling abroad by land, sea or air. We pray that everyone will continue to be considerate and cooperative.


In the midst of the above scenario, we will still hold our Annual Congregational Meeting (ACM) where all members of the church are invited to attend and participate in its annual reporting of the year’s events, receiving and accepting the annual statement for our church accounts, and approving the annual budget. The coming ACM will have significant items in the agenda such as the election of new members to the deaconate. As responsible and committed communicant members of Herald, please do stay for the ACM on 28 March 2021 after the worship service.

Training of Preachers and Leaders

At the moment, there is a preaching and deaconship training on Tuesday nights for four persons since February. The training programme covers sharing of the gospel to welcoming new friends into the church, from elocution (clear speaking) to preparing sermons. The training of leaders is a constant necessity because of the changing needs of the church and for leadership succession. It is paramount that members have the desire to want to serve the Lord and are willing to go such training. This requires putting aside time for the training which may last up to three months. Through this exercise, the church will not be in dire need of leaders and will facilitate the effective functioning of the church’s various ministries (Eph 4:12, 16).

Nomination and Election of Deacons

Today, nomination forms are available for nomination of deacons for the coming ACM. With much prayer and consideration, a communicant member of the church can nominate someone to be a deacon/deaconess. There is a need to have a seconder for that nomination. The seconder will need to seek the Pastor’s approval for the nomination, as the Pastor is the one to decide who meets the qualification and suitability for the deaconate.

Deacons serve, in general, the physical aspects of the church whereas the Elders are called to oversee the spiritual aspects of the body of Christ. Certainly, deacons can take up the role of bringing God’s word in the ministries of teaching and preaching whenever there are such needs, and they are approved by the Session. The responsibility of church members is to pray and support them in the various ministries they are serving in. We pray that God will guide them and us as we look forward to the ACM at the end of March.

Baptism at the Easter Sunday Service

This year’s Easter Sunday Service (3 April) will have special significance not only for all who celebrate Christ’s resurrection in Herald, but for a new family which will be added to Herald. Raymond Goh and his wife, and their three children, will become members of Herald through baptism. We thank God that they are growing in the Lord through our worship services and Junior Worship. We pray that they will continue to grow in their understanding of God’s Word, and that all in Herald will welcome them and help them become part of our church family.

Bear One Another’s Burdens

Many of us have gone through, or are going through many challenges since the Covid-19 plagued the whole world. We had to cope with staying at home, studying or working online, and even worshipping God virtually. We thank God for the gifts He has given some in our midst who rose up to the need to set up a virtual worship service. We thank God we did not have to miss worshipping Him together for too long. And now that we are physically worshipping God together again, let us remember to be thankful, and pray for His grace and mercies on the others in the world who do not have this privilege.

Some lost their jobs, and some have found new ones. Do pray for families who are struggling to make ends meet. The past year has also seen some losing their loved ones. We thank God for His comfort and help for those who are in bereavement. May God grant them strength to carry on living for Him in the midst of trials and sorrow.

I have personally conducted many vigil and funeral services in the last 12 months. There have been many opportunities to share Christ at such gatherings, and we are glad that through the Home Glory ministry, a few from the bereaved families have responded to God’s love and His Word. Do pray that more will receive Christ into their lives, and join us at Herald too.

We thank God that many have shared how God has seen them through the challenges in life. Truly, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present held in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1). Thank God for brothers and sisters in Christ in the church who have extended their hand of friendship, love and support to those in need. May we continue to bear one another’s burdens as this year’s church theme encourages us to do so. (Galatians 6:2)

Because of His love
Pastor Bob Phee